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Amazon Web Services Connector


Amazon Web Services is a subsidiary of Amazon that provides on-demand cloud computing.


An active subscription to Amazon Web Services (AWS) is required.

AWS Console

Connect to AWS Console.

There are 2 methods for generating a new credential with AWS:

  1. With an IAM user, a more secure approach albeit with increased complexity.
  2. With the Root user, which is easier but not recommended for security reasons.

With an IAM user

This is the recommended method for generating a new credential with AWS.

AWS Credentials

  1. On the top right, click on your name to open the menu;
  2. And click on Security credentials.

AWS Usergroup Add Select

  1. On the left, click on User groups;
  2. And click on Create group.

AWS Usergroup Add

  1. Enter scrapoxy as group name;
  2. Search for AmazonEC2FullAccess;
  3. Select it;
  4. And click on Create group.

AWS User Add Select

  1. On the left, click on Users;
  2. And click on Create user.

AWS User Add Step 1

  1. Enter scrapoxy as user name;
  2. And click on Next.

AWS User Add Step 2

  1. Select Add user to group;
  2. Select scrapoxy as group;
  3. And click on Next.

AWS User Add Step 3

Click on Create user.

AWS User Select

Click on the user scrapoxy.

AWS User Credentials Create Step 1

  1. Select Security credentials tab;
  2. And click on Create access key.

AWS User Credentials Create Step 2

  1. Select Command Line Interface (CLI);
  2. Check the confirmation box;
  3. And click on Next.

AWS User Credentials Create Step 3

Click on Create access key.

AWS User Credentials Create Step 4

  1. Remember the Access key;
  2. Remember the Secret access key;
  3. And click on Done.

With the Root user

This method is not recommended for security reasons.

AWS Credentials

  1. On the top right, click on your name to open the menu;
  2. And click on Security credentials.

AWS Credential Create

Click on Create access key.

AWS Credential Not Recommended

  1. Check the box;
  2. And click on Create access key.

AWS Credential Save

Remember the Access key ID and the Secret access key values.


Open Scrapoxy User Interface and select Marketplace:

Step 1: Create a new credential

Credential Select

Select AWS to create a new credential (use search if necessary).

Credential Form

Complete the form by entering the following information:

  1. Name: Specify the unique name for the credential;
  2. Access key ID: Provide the Access Key ID associated with the account;
  3. Secret access key: Enter the Client Secret associated with the account.

And click on Create.

Step 2: Create a new connector

Create a new connector:

Connector Create

Complete the form with the following information:

  1. Credential: The previous credential;
  2. Name: The name of the connector;
  3. # Proxies: The number of instances to create;
  4. Region: The region where the instances will be created;
  5. Port: The port of the proxy (on AWS). If it is modified after installation, the security group must also be updated to allow traffic on the new port;
  6. Instance Type: The type of the instance;
  7. Image ID: The name of the image in the region;
  8. Security group name: The name of the security group containing the firewall rules;
  9. Tag: The default tag for instance.

And click on Create.

Most default values can be retained if suitable for the use case.


When setting up the connector in multiple regions, assign a unique Image ID and distinct Tag for each region. Without this, connectors may interfere with each other, shutting down instances from the same provider.

Step 3: Install the connector

Connector Install Select

On the connector list, click on Install.

Connector Install

Click on Install.

Scrapoxy will start, install and stop the VM to create a custom image.


Do not reuse an installation from a prior setup: Scrapoxy embeds a unique TLS certificate within the instance image to secure communication and communication with the Master will fail.

Connector Installed

When the installation is finished, click on Connectors.

Connector Start

  1. Start the project;
  2. Start the connector.

Other: Uninstall the connector

Connector Stop

  1. Stop the connector;
  2. Wait for proxies to be removed.

Connector Uninstall Select

On the connector list, click on Uninstall.

Connector Uninstalled

Confirm the uninstallation.

Connector Uninstalled

Wait for the uninstallation to finish: Scrapoxy will delete the custom image.

Released under the AGPLv3 License.