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ScrapeGraphAI Integration


This tutorial introduces ScrapeGraphAI, a robust scraping framework.

ScrapeGraphAI leverages advanced LLM models to efficiently parse and extract data from web pages, eliminating the need for intricate XPath or CSS selectors and the maintenance they require.

Step 1: Install the framework

Follow the instructions here for detailed steps.

In summary, run the following command:

pip install scrapegraphai

Then, install Playwright with dependencies:

playwright install --with-deps

Step 2: Install Mistra model from Ollama

Follow the instructions here for detailled steps.

In summary, run the following command:

curl -fsSL | sh

And install the Mistra model:

ollama pull mistra

Step 3: Retrieve project credentials

Credentials Sticky

  1. Open Scrapoxy User interface, and go to the project Settings;
  2. Enable Keep the same proxy with cookie injection;
  3. Remember the project's Username;
  4. Remember the project's Password.

Step 4: Create a spider

Write the following spider:

from scrapegraphai.graphs import SmartScraperGraph

graph_config = {
    "verbose": True,
    "headless": False,
    "llm": {
        "model": "ollama/mistral",
        "temperature": 1,
        "format": "json",  # Ollama needs the format to be specified explicitly
        "model_tokens": 2000, #  depending on the model set context length
        "base_url": "http://localhost:11434",  # set ollama URL of the local host (YOU CAN CHANGE IT, if you have a different endpoint
    "embeddings": {
        "model": "ollama/nomic-embed-text",
        "temperature": 0,
        "base_url": "http://localhost:11434",  # set ollama URL
    "loader_kwargs": {
        "proxy": {
            "server": "",
            "username": "USERNAME",
            "password": "PASSWORD",

# ************************************************
# Create the SmartScraperGraph instance and run it
# ************************************************

smart_scraper_graph = SmartScraperGraph(
    prompt="List me all the projects with their description.",
    # also accepts a string with the already downloaded HTML code

result =

Replace USERNAME and PASSWORD by the credentials you copied earlier.

In this example, we set headless=False to display Playwright and verbose=True to show the logs.

Released under the AGPLv3 License.