API Reference
Scrapoxy provides a REST API to manage your instances directly from the scraper.
Base URL is http://localhost:8890
(depending on your configuration).
Scrapoxy exposes a Swagger UI on http://localhost:8890/api
Additionally, it offers:
- a Swagger JSON file at
- a YAML file at
Scrapoxy employs HTTP Basic Authentication for request authentication.
The username/password comes from the project settings.
Basic authentication transmits the username and password in the Authorization
header of a request, encoded using Base64.
For example, if the username/password is admin:password
, the header will be Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQ=
Get project information
URL: /api/scraper/project
Method: GET
Type: application/json
Valid status code: 200
Response payload:
"id": "<uuid of the project>",
"name": "<name of the project>",
"status": "<status of the project from OFF, CALM or HOT>",
"connectorDefault": "<default connector ID or undefined>"
Change project's status
URL: /api/scraper/project/status
Method: POST
Request payload:
"status": "<status of the project from OFF, CALM or HOT>"
Valid status code: 204
The response has no content.
Get all connectors and proxies of the project
URL: /api/scraper/project/connectors
Method: GET
Type: application/json
Valid status code: 200
Response payload:
"connector": {
"id": "<uuid of the connector>",
"projectId": "<uuid of the project>",
"name": "<name of the connector>",
"type": "<type of provider>",
"active": "<true if the connector is active>",
"proxiesMax": "<maximum number of proxies to use>",
"error": "<error message if the connector is in error>",
"certificateEndAt": "<timestamp in ms of the end of the certificate for datacenter provider>"
"proxies": [
"id": "<uuid of the connector + ':' + key of the proxy>",
"type": "<type of provider>",
"connectorId": "<uuid of the connector>",
"projectId": "<uuid of the project>",
"key": "<unique key of the proxy in the connector>",
"name": "<name of the proxy>",
"status": "<status of the proxy from STARTING, STARTED, STOPPING, STOPPED or ERROR>",
"removing": "<true if the proxy is being removed>",
"removingForce": "<true if the proxy is being removed by force (see below)>",
"fingerprint": {
"ip": "<IP address of the proxy>",
"useragent": "<user agent for the fingerprinted request>",
"asnName": "<name of the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of this IP address>",
"asnNetwork": "<network of this IP address>",
"continentCode": "<2-letter continent code of the IP Address>",
"continentName": "<continent name of the IP Address>",
"countryCode": "<2-letter country code of the IP Address>",
"countryName": "<country name of the IP Address>",
"cityName": "<city name of the IP Address>",
"timezone": "<timezone of the IP Address>",
"latitude": "<latitude of the IP Address>",
"longitude": "<longitude of the IP Address>"
"fingerprintError": "<error message if fingerprinting failed>",
"createdTs": "<timestamp in ms of the proxy creation>",
"requests": "<number of requests made by the proxy>",
"bytesReceived": "<number of bytes received by the proxy>",
"bytesSent": "<number of bytes sent by the proxy>",
Ask to remove some proxies
URL: /api/scraper/project/proxies/remove
Method: POST
Request payload:
"id": "<uuid of the connector + ':' + key of the proxy>",
"force": "<true to force the removal>"
The force
parameter activates the special capability of the connector. It can either reboot a hardware dongle or remove proxy instances from a subscription.
Valid status code: 204
The response has no content.
Get all sources providing proxy lists sources for a connector
URL: /api/scraper/project/connectors/<uuid of the connector>/sources
Method: GET
Replace <uuid of the connector>
by the UUID of the connector.
Type: application/json
Valid status code: 200
Response payload:
"id": "<uuid of the source>",
"connectorId": "<uuid of the connector>",
"projectId": "<uuid of the project>",
"url": "<url of the source>",
"delay": "<delay in ms between 2 fetches of the source>",
"lastRefreshTs": "<timestamp in ms of the last refresh of the source>",
"lastRefreshError": "<error message if the last refresh of the source is in error>"
Add multiple sources providing proxy lists for a connector
URL: /api/scraper/project/connectors/<uuid of the connector>/sources
Method: POST
Replace <uuid of the connector>
by the UUID of the connector.
Request payload:
"url": "<url of the source>",
"delay": "<delay in ms between 2 fetches of the source>"
Valid status code: 204
The response has no content.
Remove multiple sources providing proxy lists for a connector
URL: /api/scraper/project/connectors/<uuid of the connector>/sources/remove
Method: POST
Replace <uuid of the connector>
by the UUID of the connector.
Request payload:
"<uuid of the source>",
If the payload is empty, all sources will be removed.
Valid status code: 204
The response has no content.
Get all freeproxies of a connector
URL: /api/scraper/project/connectors/<uuid of the connector>/freeproxies
Method: GET
Replace <uuid of the connector>
by the UUID of the connector.
Type: application/json
Valid status code: 200
Response payload:
"id": "<uuid of the connector + ':' + key of the freeproxy>",
"connectorId": "<uuid of the connector>",
"projectId": "<uuid of the project>",
"key": "<key of the freeproxy in the connector>",
"type": "<protocol type like http/https/socks4/socks5>",
"address": {
"hostname": "<hostname of the proxy>",
"port": "<TCP port of the proxy>"
"auth": { // or undefined if no authentication
"username": "<username of the proxy>",
"password": "<password of the proxy>"
"fingerprint": "<fingerprint of the freeproxy if online>",
"fingerprintError": "<error message if the fingerprint of the freeproxy is in error>",
"timeoutDisconnected": "<maximum duration in ms for connecting to a freeproxy before considering it as offline>",
"timeoutUnreachable": "if enabled, maximum duration in ms for a freeproxy to be offline before being removed from the pool, otherwise undefined",
"disconnectedTs": "<timestamp of the last disconnection of the freeproxy or undefined if online>"
Add multiple freeproxies for a connector
URL: /api/scraper/project/connectors/<uuid of the connector>/freeproxies
Method: POST
Replace <uuid of the connector>
by the UUID of the connector.
Request payload:
"key": "<key of the freeproxy in the connector>",
"type": "<protocol type like http/https/socks4/socks5>",
"address": {
"hostname": "<hostname of the freeproxy>",
"port": "<port of the freeproxy>"
"auth": { // or undefined if no authentication
"username": "<username of the freeproxy>",
"password": "<password>"
Use <hostname>:<port>
for the key
Valid status code: 204
The response has no content.
Remove multiple freeproxies for a connector
URL: /api/scraper/project/connectors/<uuid of the connector>/freeproxies/remove
Method: POST
Replace <uuid of the connector>
by the UUID of the connector.
Request payload:
"ids": [
"<uuid of the freeproxy>",
"duplicate": "<true to remove all duplicates of the freeproxies>",
"offline": "<true to remove all offline freeproxies>"
All parameters are optionals and if the payload is empty, all freeproxies will be removed.