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Proxy-Cheap Connector


Proxy-Cheap offers enterprise-level proxies for novices and professionals. They provide affordable solutions for customers to obtain data and circumvent restrictions while operating at scale. Theirs solutions serve customers from data scraping to market research and other industries.

This connector is for Mobile Proxies, Static Residential Proxies and Datacenter Proxies.


Mobile proxies need a whitelisted IP address. This configuration is available in the Dashboard.


An active Proxy-Cheap subscription is required on Mobile Proxies, Static Residential Proxies or Datacenter Proxies.

Proxy-Cheap Dashboard

Connect to Dashboard.

Get the API Key

Proxy-Cheap Credentials Key Create

  1. On the top left menu, click on Api Keys;
  2. Click on Generate new API Key;
  3. Remember the API Key;
  4. Remember the API Secret.


Open Scrapoxy User Interface and select Marketplace:

Step 1: Create a new credential

Credential Select

Select Proxy-Cheap with type Static IP to create a new credential (use search if necessary).

Credential Form

Complete the form with the following information:

  1. Name: The name of the credential;
  2. Key: The key of the API;
  3. Secret: The secret of the API.

And click on Create.

Step 2: Create a new connector

Create a new connector and select Proxy-Cheap as provider:

Connector Create

Complete the form with the following information:

  1. Credential: The previous credential;
  2. Name: The name of the connector;
  3. # Proxies: The number of instances to create;
  4. Type: Select the type to use (Datacenter, Static Residential or Mobile), or All to use all products.

And click on Create.

Step 3: Start the connector

Connector Start

  1. Start the project;
  2. Start the connector.

Other: Stop the connector

Connector Stop

  1. Stop the connector;
  2. Wait for proxies to be removed.

Released under the AGPLv3 License.