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Proxy List Connector

A Proxy List is a specific type of connector designed to manage a manual list of proxies. Users have the flexibility to either utilize their own private proxies or incorporate a list of public proxies available on the Internet.

Scrapoxy supports HTTP/HTTPS proxies and SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxies.

Check out this video from ProxyScrape:

Or this video from Proxy-Sale:

Additionally, read this insightful article from ProxyScrape.

For instance, public proxies can be obtained from:

Feel free to reach out to me on Discord if you'd like to contribute and add your proxy list.


Please note that using this connector with Pay-Per-GB subscriptions without proper configuration can lead to substantial costs.


Open Scrapoxy User Interface and select Marketplace:

Step 1: Create a new credential

Credential Select

Select Proxy List to create a new credential (use search if necessary).

Credential Form

Complete the form with the following information:

  1. Name: The name of the credential

And click on Create.


This credential is a holder for the proxy list connector because Scrapoxy always needs a credential to create a connector.

Step 2: Create a new connector

Create a new connector and select Proxy List as provider:

Connector Create

Complete the form with the following information:

  1. Credential: The previous credential;
  2. Name: The name of the connector;
  3. # Proxies: The number of instances to create.
  4. Proxies Timeout: Maximum duration for connecting to a proxy before considering it as offline;
  5. Proxies Kick: If enabled, maximum duration for a proxy to be offline before being removed from the pool;
  6. Freeproxies Timeout: Same as Proxies Timeout but for the freeproxies pool;
  7. Freeproxies Kick: Same as Proxies Kick but for the freeproxies pool.


Adjust Freeproxies Timeout to a higher value to avoid removing proxies from the freeproxies pool too quickly.

Step 3: Add a proxies source

Connector Update Select

On the connector, click on Update.

Connector Source Add

  1. Fill the URL of the proxy list;
  2. Choose the refresh rate;
  3. Click on Add.

Here is a good URL example from ProxyScrape. The URL must return a list of proxies, one per line. Scrapoxy will automatically fetch the list of proxies from the URL and update the connector.


It is recommended to activate Freeproxies Kick to curate offline proxies from the freeproxies pool. Proxies will be added again when Scrapoxy fetches the list from the URL.

Step 4: Add manually some proxies

Connector Proxies Add

Copy / Paste a list of proxies in the textarea.

Scrapoxy supports theses formats:

  • ip:port
  • ip:port:username:password
  • http://ip:port
  • http://username:password@ip:port
  • https://ip:port
  • https://username:password@ip:port
  • socks://ip:port (shortcut for socks5://ip:port)
  • socks://username:password@ip:port (shortcut for socks5://username:password@ip:port)
  • socks4://ip:port
  • socks4://username:password@ip:port
  • socks5://ip:port
  • socks5://username:password@ip:port

Connector Proxies Manage

Scrapoxy will assess the availability of proxies and retain only those that are currently accessible for the connector.

The provided buttons offer the following functionalities:

  • Delete One Proxy: Remove a specific proxy from the list;
  • Delete Offline Proxies: Eliminate proxies that are either offline or in a waiting state for fingerprinting;
  • Delete Duplicates: Remove proxies that share the same outbound IP address;
  • Delete All Proxies: Clear the entire proxy list.

Step 4: Start the connector

Connector Start

  1. Start the project;
  2. Start the connector.


You can use the proxies on the connector.

Other: Stop the connector

Connector Stop

  1. Stop the connector;
  2. Wait for proxies to be removed.

Released under the MIT License.