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XProxy Connector


XProxy creates a secure proxy that supports HTTP, SOCKS5, IPv4, IPv6 with 4G/5G dongles.


Before using XProxy, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. Obtain XProxy materials and subscribe to the service.
  2. Ensure that Scrapoxy has access to the XProxy admin interface and proxy IP addresses.


Be aware that XProxy employees have SSH root access to the material, and the password cannot be changed.

It is recommended to deploy the XProxy box behind a firewall in a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone). This configuration enables control over inbound connections to the box while preventing any outbound connections to your internal network.

XProxy Admin

Connect to your XProxy hardware UI and remember the URL.

Get the credentials

XProxy Proxy Settings

  1. Click on General Settings;
  2. Select Proxy Settings;
  3. Navigate to Password authentication for all proxy;
  4. Remember Username and Password for the proxy.


The password can only be changed and not viewed.

XProxy API Settings

  1. Click on General Settings;
  2. Select System Settings;
  3. Navigate to Password Authentication for dashboardy;
  4. Remember Username and Password for the API.


The password can only be changed and not viewed.


Open Scrapoxy User Interface and select Marketplace:

Step 1: Create a new credential

Credential Select

Select XProxy to create a new credential (use search if necessary).

Credential Form

Complete the form with the following information:

  1. Name: The name of the credential;
  2. API URL: URL of the XProxy Admin (without trailing /);
  3. API Username: The username for the API;
  4. API Password: The password for the API;
  5. Proxy Username: The username of the proxy;
  6. Proxy Password: The password of the proxy;

And click on Create.

Step 2: Create a new connector

Create a new connector and select XProxy as provider:

Connector Create

Complete the form with the following information:

  1. Credential: The previous credential;
  2. Name: The name of the connector;
  3. # Proxies: The number of instances to create.

And click on Create.

Step 3: Start the connector

Connector Start

  1. Start the project;
  2. Start the connector.

Step 4: Interact with modems

SPX Proxies

Within this connector, you can perform 2 actions on the proxies:

  1. Trash button: Initiates a fast rotation of the modem;
  2. Cross button: Triggers a slower process, rebooting the modem.

Other: Stop the connector

Connector Stop

  1. Stop the connector;
  2. Wait for proxies to be removed.

Released under the AGPLv3 License.