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Google Cloud Platform Connector


Google Cloud Platform is a cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally.


An active GCP subscription is required.

GCP Console

Connect to Console.

Step 1: Create new project

GCP Project Create Select

  1. On the top left, click on the current project,
  2. And click on NEW PROJECT.

GCP Project Create

  1. Enter scrapoxy as Project name;
  2. And click on CREATE.

Wait for the project to be created. A notification appears when it's done:

GCP Project Select


Step 2: Create new credential

GCP APIs Select

  1. On the top left, click on the hamburger menu;
  2. Click on APIs & Services;
  3. And click on Enabled APIs & services.

GCP APIs Select2

  1. On tab Enabled APIs & services,

GCP API Compute Select

  1. Search compute;
  2. In the category Compute,
  3. Click on Compute Engine API.

GCP API Compute Enable

Click on ENABLE.

GCP API Credentials Select

  1. On the top left, click on the hamburger menu;
  2. Click on APIs & Services;
  3. And click on Credentials.

GCP API Credential Select

  1. Click on Credentials
  2. And click on the first service account

GCP Credential Newkey Select

  1. Select KEYS tab;
  2. Click on ADD KEY;
  3. And click on Create new key.

GCP Credential Newkey

  1. Select JSON as key type;
  2. And click on CREATE.

GCP Credential JSON

Open the downloaded file and copy the content in the clipboard.


The copied content will be paste into Scrapoxy with the Clipboard button (see below).


Open Scrapoxy User Interface and select Marketplace:

Step 1: Create a new credential

Credential Select

Select GCP to create a new credential (use search if necessary).

Credential Form

  1. Complete the Name of the credential;
  2. Click on the Clipboard icon to paste the JSON content previously copied. It will automatically complete the form;
  3. Click on Create.


It is recommended to copy and paste the credential from the JSON file to prevent any potential typing errors.

Step 2: Create a new connector

Create a new connector and select GCP as provider:

Connector Create

Complete the form with the following information:

  1. Credential: The previous credential;
  2. Name: The name of the connector;
  3. # Proxies: The number of instances to create;
  4. Zone: The region where the instances will be created;
  5. Port: The port of the proxy (on GCP); If Port is modified after installation, the filewall rule must also be updated to allow traffic on the new port.
  6. Machine Type: The type of the instance;
  7. Template Name: The name of the template to use;
  8. Network Name: The name of the network to use;
  9. Label: The default label to tag instance;
  10. Firewall Name: The name of the firewall rule.

And click on Create.

Most default values can be retained if suitable for the use case.


When setting up the connector in multiple zones, assign a unique Template Name and distinct Label for each zone. Without this, connectors may interfere with each other, shutting down instances from the same provider.

Step 3: Install the connector

Connector Install Select

On the connector list, click on Install.

Connector Install

Complete the form with the following information:

  1. Disk Type: The type of the disk;
  2. Disk Size: The size of the disk (in GB).

And click on Install.

Scrapoxy will start, install and stop the VM to create a custom image.


Do not reuse an installation from a prior setup: Scrapoxy embeds a unique TLS certificate within the instance image to secure communication and communication with the Master will fail.

Connector Installed

When the installation is finished, click on Connectors.

Connector Start

  1. Start the project;
  2. Start the connector.

Other: Uninstall the connector

Connector Stop

  1. Stop the connector;
  2. Wait for proxies to be removed.

Connector Uninstall Select

On the connector list, click on Uninstall.

Connector Uninstalled

Confirm the uninstallation.

Connector Uninstalled

Wait for the uninstallation to finish: Scrapoxy will delete the custom image.

Released under the AGPLv3 License.