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Project Structure

The Scrapoxy repository follows the NX mono-repository pattern.

It contains all the packages associated with the project.

Root structure

The root structure of the Scrapoxy repository is organized as follows:

|-- .husky                       | Commit hooks
|-- .idea                        | IntelliJ IDEA configuration
|-- packages                     | Source code of the project
|-- tools                        | Tools to generate monitor and generate traffic
|-- .editorconfig                | Generic linting rules
|-- .gitignore                   | Git ignore rules
|-- .gitleaksignore              | Gitleaks ignore rules to avoid commit secrets
|-- .lintstagedrc.js             | Linting for Git staged files
|-- .stylelintrc.js              | CSS/SCSS linting configuration
|-- commitlint.config.js         | Linting for commit messages    
|-- jest.config.ts               | Jest root configuration
|-- jest.preset.js               | Jest preset configuration
|--                   | MIT licence
|-- nx.json                      | NX configuration
|-- package.json                 | NPM configuration
|-- scrapoxy.iml                 | IntelliJ project IDEA configuration
|-- tsconfig.base.json           | Global Typescript configuration
|-- tsconfig-frontend.base.json  | Global Typescript configuration for frontend, inherited from tsconfig.base.json

This structure provides an overview of the essential components and configurations in the Scrapoxy repository.

Packages structure

The packages folder in Scrapoxy's repository is structured as follows:

|-- backend          | Backend application
  |-- app            | Main application in NestJS
  |-- sdk            | Shared library between backend and tests
  |-- test           | End-to-end tests
  |-- test-sdk       | Shared library for tests
|-- charts           | Helm charts
|-- common           | Shared library for the whole project
|-- frontend         | Frontend application
  |-- app            | Main Angular Application
  |-- sdk            | Shared library
|-- proxy            | Proxy application for VM deployment (datacenter provider only)
|-- python-api       | PyPI (for Python and Scrapy) 
|-- website          | Scrapoxy's website

This structure organizes Scrapoxy's codebase into different modules, each responsible for specific functionality, such as backend, frontend, and more.

Released under the MIT License.